Friday, 1 March 2013

Inquiry Consent Form

Here is the link to my new Inquiry Consent Form 2013. I thought maybe it would be of help to some of you. I used the template on Middlesex Libguides to help me.

I am excited about everyone's blogs to see how they are getting on!

Good Luck!


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    Just to confirm that I can now see your Blog! :-)
    Having read through your consent form, I was going to comment on how brilliantly specific your inquiry is. I then scrolled down to read your previous blog where you explain your journey from module two to three with clarity. i look forward to reading more about your inquiry and your findings. I think that investigating the different approaches to teaching drama will be incredibly useful to your own practice and to other's. I think we so often get stuck in a rut of teaching the way we know and perhaps do not look outside enough to understand alternative systems and methods that could potentially work for us and our classes. I hope you are now feeling re-inspired and re-motivated. I know that I go through periods of stagnation/procrastination and activity. As I discussed with Paula earlier today and on previous occasions, you have to be in the zone (which sometimes takes me hours to reach!) I hope your interviews go well and I look forward to reading about the next stage of your inquiry.
    Best Wishes,

  2. Hi Rebecca
    Your post got me in a slight panic haha! I didn't realise that there was a template available for the consent form (note to self ... look through the lib guides website more carefully and you might find something helpful). However after looking through it i called down as the one I created has all the necessary information in it anyway.
    Thank you for reminding me to read everything carefully and remember there will be things out there to help!
    I hope everything is going well with your inquiry.
