Thursday, 1 November 2012

Task 4c continued..

Task 4c (continued..)

As I mentioned before I emailed two teachers with my initial inquiry questions, however they have not got back to me as of yet. I will post as soon as they have! Here is a survey I put online on SurveyMonkey, if you are a teacher please do have a look here!

A survey to investigate how teachers use certain approaches whilst teaching and how this is believed to benefit the teacher and students by Rebecca Clarke

Teachers Survey

1. How old are you?
2. What subject do you teach?
3. How many years experience do you have in your subject?
4. Where do you teach?
5. What gender do you teach?
6. What age range do you teach?
7. What tools do you use to find content for your lesson plans?
8. How do you structure your lessons and why?
9. What teaching techniques do you use (how do you deliver your lessons) and why?
10. How do you think students benefit from your lessons?
I had a variety of ages answer my Survey from 20-56 years old, ranging from teaching experience of 1-5+ years. 100% taught Dance as their primary subject and 25% wrote 'other'. 25% work in a State School, 25 % in a Private School, 25% in After School Clubs and 25% had their own business. All teachers who took part in my Survey taught male and female students. They all taught a range of ages from 2-16+ years old.
Interestingly, 100% of these teachers plan their lessons on experience whilst 40% used the Internet, 40% used books, 60% used ideas from other teachers and 20% from magazines.
In answer to question 8, here are some of the responses I received;
many different ways for many different purposes
18/10/2012 15:20
nursery is not very structured. very short carpet sessions the rest is free flow and adult focus.
15/10/2012 21:03
I do a rough plan then will go with it once teaching.
15/10/2012 21:01
Lessons are age and stage specific
11/10/2012 23:28
Warm up, stretching, corner work, water break, dance- it keeps the children engaged and always active as well as hydrated
As you can see not all of these are very constructive for my Inquiry.
In answer to question 9, some responses were:
I use questions - to stimulate thinking; I try and encourage my students to take responsibility for their own learning - teaching is a process of guiding; I use resource-based learning - to encourage students to make sense of information around them; I use experiential learning - it is not the words or demonstrations of teachers that is learnt, rather I believe each student makes sense of the world through the experiences created by the teacher. The learner has their own experience from which they learn.
18/10/2012 15:20
lots of praise, exciting group games, lots of questions, you tube is a good resource
15/10/2012 21:03
I'm very outgoing so i use alot of role playing and demonstrations
15/10/2012 21:01
Teacher/ student style. Full demonstration with use of tactile props and imagery. Planned lesson but also spontaneity when needed
11/10/2012 23:28
Chunking and partnering, it helps them learn steps easier doing it slowly and team work helps them to listen and dance as a group and not just for themselves as it gives them a greater understanding of patience and spacial awareness
11/10/2012 21:53
These are fantastic answers as I can see what methods some teachers use and they feel these are sucessful so this will be useful for my Inquiry.
Finally to question 10, a few answers were;
I cannot know that what learnt is due to me or some other experience the student has, or a combination. I remain in the dark about their learning and hope what I do helps.
18/10/2012 15:20
they start to learn routine, enables them to talk about the things they see, phonics is introducted to them, creating the foundations of their learning journey through school
15/10/2012 21:03
I think they enjoy it and also get taught how to behave. im big on behaviour managment
15/10/2012 21:01
Physical, aesthetic, social, intellectual learning( even at basic level eg vocabulary) and a feeling of success when achieving. Learning should be fun as well!
11/10/2012 23:28
They have fun whilst learning and it keeps the interest in their hobby as well as weekly excersize
This is also very helpful when planning my Inquiry as I can see that different teaching methods obviously benefit students. However, which methods are most sucessful is the real question!

1 comment:

  1. This survey is really really good. I am thinking of creating one just like this as a follow up from my interviews and observations. It is an effective way of getting to know the data you are collecting.

    Great idea and thanks for sharing it.
