Monday, 12 November 2012

Task 6a i), ii), iii)

Task 6a
i) A Pilot Survey
As you can see from further down my blog. I have already partly carried out some of Task 6a by constructing a survey and by also carrying out a small interview. I have received some great answers so far and it is has been helpful with all my inquiry ideas so far. I would really appreciate it, if anyone who has a spare 3 minutes to take part. Please let me know what you think of it too in the comments box below. Could I improve anything for my inquiry? Is the survey too long? Is it too complicated? Are the colours ok? Are questions too invasive?
I understand that Survey Monkey keeps all participants anonymous unless the conductor asks for your name. I have decided not to ask for names and just asked  for the age of the Teacher. I am hoping this will cover confidientiality ethics?
Here is the link for my survery: A survey to investigate how teachers use certain approaches whilst teaching and how this is believed to benefit the teacher and students By Rebecca Clarke
ii) A Pilot Interview
I have also already constructed a small interview with a member of staff at the School. This member of staff is a drama teacher and has been for a number of years. I have more recently, sent some updated questions to my old drama teacher to see what her opinions on them are. I will post my updated and more focused interview once I feel it is ready! Are there any comments and criticisms you have that could maybe help enhance my interview questions? I really enjoy interviewing as I feel like I can get the most out of the interviewee. With a survey I feel much more limited as you can't ask too many questions and you don't want questions that are too long as participants may feel it would take a long time to answer them.
Here is the link to my Interview with both Questions & Answers: Task 4c (completed..)
iii) A Pilot Observation
I have linked you to a draft of my Pilot Observation form. I used Google Drive to help with this which made this task much more simple for me (they have some great templates). I decided to use questions rather than headings for my feedback boxes as, for myself, they help stimulate my thinking.
This is just a draft so please let me know what you think. Is there any questions I should add?
iv) A Pilot Focus Group
I am slightly skeptical of undertaking a Focus Group, however I will do a draft and see how I feel after that. I just can't bear the thought of a disagreement amongst the group causing tension or people speaking at the same time, leaving me having to gain control of the group. I am sure this will all provide very good answers for my questions though, as this will make answers broad and much more varied. Has anyone carried out a focus group? How did it go? I would love to know what tools you used?
I will post my draft of my Pilot Focus Group soon.
Now I turn to my SIG, please please please get in touch. We can discuss Reader 6 over my LinkedIn page, Blog, Email or I can click over to your LinkedIn and blog so we can discuss this task here?
Thanks fellow Bloggers


  1. Some great research here already. I will definately be in touch, finishing Ethics tonight and starting the next reader on Friday, Im a bit behind you but will be in touch to discuss it then. By the way I found a nice interview with a lady who works with the mind and children, its on my blog in reply to your helpful post.

  2. Survey done! It was great. But there was a question about where i teach that need to accept more than one answer. As I teach in various establishment but could only tick one. Small thing though as I thought it was a great survey, long enough to collect you some data, but short enough to keep me interested.

    Couldn't get access to your google docs, let me know when I can see them...


  3. Really like your observation format. I could learn from this and it has given me some ideas. I piloted my observation yesterday. And found I was constantly flicking through pages, try to find the correct section to note. The boxes provide a clear catergorisation of what you are looking for. Thanks for this post Rebecca, you've really helped me out!
